Ramayana for Youth Balakanda Monday July 7 – Friday July 11, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m

This entry is part [part not set] of 39 in the series 20080612_Issue


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Ramayana for Youth


Monday July 7 – Friday July 11, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Cost $ 150.00 includes art materials

The Ramayana for Youth Summer Program will be implemented by my senior University of Toronto students. These students have completed the third year Hindu Epic course under my tutelage. This summer the focus will be the first chapter, namely the Balakanda.

It is my earnest wish that many young students should take advantage of this exciting program. The divine teachings of the Ramayana will be made accessible to the today’s generation utilizing innovative, interactive and hands-on teaching methods. The student’s learning will also be enhanced by art projects and a field trip. Our youth will benefit tremendously from this child centered approach to the sacred text of Ramayana.

More information will be made available at the Parent information session on

Saturday June 21, 2- 5 p.m. Scarborough Civic Center.

Feel free to contact me by email or phone if you have any questions.

My phone # is 416 – 554 7564.

Thank you for your support.


Prof. Sudharshan Duraiyappah


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