Dear Friends:
We are very happy to announce the launch of the NFSC portal for folklore journals which can be accessed from http://indianfolklore.org/journals/ . While the other journals are yet to be uploaded by their respective editors our annual journal Indian Folklore Research Journal went online and all the issues of IFRJ can be accessed freely from
As an NFSC initiative towards improving public access to knowledge and research NFSC portal for journal will remain open to freely host journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences dealing with India. NFSC offers initial set up and web space free and once a journal is set up the editors can run the journals on their own.
NFSC portal for journals runs on Open Journal Systems which offers professional way of running high quality academic journal online with ability to handle all aspects of journal publication. The features are :
1. Editors configure requirements, sections, review process, etc.
Online submission and management of all content.
Subscription module with delayed open access options.
Comprehensive indexing of content part of global system.
Reading Tools for content, based on field and editors’ choice.
Email notification and commenting ability for readers.
Complete context-sensitive online Help support.
Scholars and institutions desiring of using this facility to start a new journal or migrate their existing print journal online are requested to write to the Director, National Folklore Support Centre, Chennai, India via email muthu@indianfolklore.org
With the best wishes,
Yours truly,
Educational Co ordinator
National Folklore Support Centre
508, 5th Floor,Kavery Complex
No:96, M.G.Road, Nungambakkam
Chennai – 34
PhNo:044 – 28229192/42138410
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