India Foundation for the Arts
India Foundation for the Arts
in collaboration with
The India International Centre
Cordially invite you to the screening of the documentary film
Out of Thin Air
Directed by Shabani Hassanwalia & Samreen Farooqi
(This film was funded by India Foundation for the Arts’s Arts Research and Documentation programme in 2007)
The screening will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Ms Githa Hariharan
Venue: The India International Centre, Delhi
Date: August 3, 2009
Time: 6.30 pm
(Entry is free)
RSVP: Vindya –
Tele / Fax: 91 80 23414681 / 82
‘Out of Thin Air’ is the story of one of the most surreal and hostile landscapes in the world. It is the story of Ladakh, a Buddhist union territory of 2,70,000 people, in the northernmost frontier of India, where icy winds can freeze the tears in your eyes while your feet are burning to cinder, because at 12,000 feet above sea level, you are very close to the sun. This is the story of Ladakh, not through the postcards that tourists often see, but through the subterranean, local film movement that has taken such strong root here in the last six years, that it has become a voice of the people. Today, taxi drivers, grocery store owners, cops and monks are producers, directors, camerapersons and actors of one of the youngest, and most dynamic, local film industries in the world.
India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) is an independent, nationwide philanthropy, professionally managed, and dedicated to strengthening the arts in India. IFA has funded 249 projects across 22 states dedicating a sum of 13.4 crore to the Arts. We support research and practice leading to films, books, artworks, archives, exhibitions and performances. We help to bring the arts into the classroom. We fund the preservation and transmission of valuable cultural knowledge. We offer advice, information and expertise related to the Indian arts.
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