கடிதம் ( ஆங்கிலம் ) : On Mani Manik’s Facts & Figures

This entry is part [part not set] of 39 in the series 20060609_Issue


On Mani Manik’s Facts & Figures:

1. The population percentages are still in dispute as the last
‘conclusive’ evidence is from 1931s census. However, for the current
discussion, let us take those figures for granted.

2. On his comment “50% of the unreserved seats will automatically goes
to the 15.4% of the forward castes”
50% of the unreserved seats goes to Open Category, ie. 100% of
population, and is not exclusive to 15.4% Forward Castes

3. On his comment “56.6% of OBC population supposed to enjoy 27% of
the total seats”.
“56.6% of OBC population enjoys a minimum guaranteed 27% of the total
seats, and competes with everyone for an additional 50% of seats”.

I am saddended by how political parties have turned people against
each other. Judicial systems in the world work hard to protect the
rights of the innocents, even if it means that some of the criminals
may be set free (which is driven by the concept of ‘innocent until
proven guilty’). Reservation, on the other hand, tries to deny justice
to the economically poor and underdeveloped among forward castes for
no fault of theirs.


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