Satsang led by Sri Nithya Bhaktananda Swami a direct disciple of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda

This entry is part [part not set] of 28 in the series 20090702_Issue

Shobana @ 732-317-4823

Come for Meditation,

Talk, Q&A,

Guru Puja and


Date: Sunday, July 19th 2009

Time: 4 pm — 8 pm

Venue: Arsha Bodha Center

Address: 84 Cortelyous Lane

Somerset, NJ 08873

All masters say Bliss is our true nature, but why is it so difficult to experience?

Enlightenment is not an alien science with limited access to the lucky few. It can be every seekers experience.Living enlightenment is about mastering the science of inner bliss, experiencing physical health, mental well being, and spiritual awakening. If you understand the fundamentals expounded by Nithyananda, yoga becomes a lifestyle, a vehicle for spiritual awakening. Living Enlightenment is seamlessly integrating Peace, plenty, and Bliss.

Bhakti or devotion is the language of the being. When the being is allowed to express itself, man will experience a deep fulfillment from within. It is supreme love towards Existence or God. It is love for love’s sake. It takes you to the inner chambers of the Lord, and it frees you from lust, ego, mine-ness, hatred, jealousy and greed, bringing equanimity of the mind and deep fulfillment. It fulfills all your wants and takes you beyond them. A culmination of all the spiritual paths and something more, is Guru Bhakti.

Satsang led by

Sri Nithya Bhaktananda Swami

a direct disciple of Enlightened Master

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Enjoy the bliss like the 2.5 million people all over the world. LifeBlissFoundation

For details please


Phone : Shobana @ 732-317-4823

Email :

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