ஆசியப் புலம் பெயர்ந்தோர் பற்றிய சர்வே

This entry is part [part not set] of 51 in the series 20031120_Issue

பங்கு பெறுங்கள்


This email is from members of the Immigrant Psychology research group


the University of Michigan, led by Prof. Ramaswami Mahalingam, and we

are writing to you to request your participation in a study about the

experiences and beliefs of Asian immigrants and 2nd generation Asian

Americans, a study we are currently conducting at the University of

Michigan. We are interested in finding out about your beliefs about

your cultural/ethnic background, your outlook on life regarding

achievement, success and roles in family and relationships, and your

coping experiences.

Our study is examining these beliefs and experiences in multiple

immigrant groups, and the current phase of research is looking at


of Chinese, Indian, and Korean ethnicity, including those who are

immigrants to the US (who were born in an Asian country and moved to


US) as well as people who were born in the US, to immigrant parents.

If you are of Chinese, Indian, or Korean ethnic background, and either

immigrated to the US or your parents immigrated here, and you are

interested in participating in this very important study, you can


click on the web address listed below, or simply copy and paste the

address into your web browser window. In order to protect the security

of the study ‘s website, and to allow access only for authorized

participants, you will also need to enter a study login PIN, which is

also listed below:

Study website address:

Study login PIN: 8585

The survey contains 5 pages and usually takes about 45 minutes to

complete. Please be aware that you must finish it in one sitting (if

you only fill out one page and then stop, all of your data will be


so please allow enough time (about 45 minutes) to finish the entire

survey without rushing yourself. You will know that you have completed

the entire survey when you come to page 5, which has a ‘submit ‘ button

at the bottom. After clicking this button, you will be notified that

your data has been successfully submitted. Your name will not be

identified anywhere on the survey and all information you provide will

be kept strictly confidential during the research process, and will be

destroyed after the study ends.

Once again, we very much appreciate your participation in this


study. Please let us know if you have any questions or problems

accessing the website. Thank you so much for your time and help!

Jana Haritatos, Doctoral Candidate and Dr. Ram Mahalingam, Assistant


Immigration Research Group

Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI


Contact: jharitat@umich.edu or ramawasi@umich.edu

Study website address: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jharitat/

Study login PIN: 8585

Ram Mahalingam, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Michigan

3263 East Hall

Ann Arbor MI 48109-1109

email: ramawasi@umich.edu

(734)763-0049 (work)

(734)623-4496 (home)

|(734)647-9440 (fax)

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